An Alliance for the Community

VIRTUALETIX is opening up to the gaming community with a community clan.

The Swiss top tier Tekken athlete CHARDY-SAN brought not only medals to the purple family but also a whole fan base wanting to play against him and share their gaming experiences. For the reemerging team battle format in the German speaking area, we formed a community clan to represent Switzerland. The VIRTUALETIX Alliance clan is part of the VIRTUALETIX esports organisation and unites gamers from Switzerland and abroad for socialization and entertainment around gaming without focus on competitive esports. CHARDY-SAN is the clan leader of the Tekken discipline and will occasionally invite players to play along in team-battles against other clans in “clan wars”.

Players like ediweazel, StyleBender, JanKazama, ChiggenMcNugget a.k.a. CMN and Rugal already joined forces with CHARDY-SAN. The VIRTUALETIX community squad successfully kicked-off in team-battles and showdowns against German clans like UTN. And just recently, at the last Zurich Gaming Show, the clan achieved a nice triplet in the Top 4 of the final tournament standing.

If you don’t want to miss future international clan wars organized by the VIRTUALETIX Alliance and CHARDY-SAN, join our Discord server, follow our streaming channels and activate the notification bell:

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