Author phaenom

Esports Data Center Made in Switzerland
In a few clicks to your own data center. That's the virtual data center (vDC) by hosttech, tailored to the needs of individuals for small-scale purposes or for SMEs/large companies for professional Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
On Cloud Nine with hosttech
We are excited to announce our first major partnership with hosttech as one of the leading internet service providers in Switzerland.
VTX at Zurich Pop Con & Game Show 2022
This year VIRTUALETIX is going to be part of one of the biggest gaming and con festivals in Switzerland.
Welcome Raphelito
VIRTUALETIX expands to the new virtual sport discipline FIFA and welcomes Raphelito.
Recap of the Tekken Fight Series
The Tekken tournaments are finally coming back in 2022. The first event in Switzerland was launched this spring by Erupt, Swiss Esports League and VIRTUALETIX as the Tekken Fight Series.
Brawlers in the Swisscom Hero League
The mobile athletes from 1234 Gaming join VIRTUALTIX as trial line-up to compete for the Swisscom Hero League.
A new Tekken star on the horizon
The Swiss Tekken Champion 2021 steps up to the competitive semi-professional Tekken 7 roster of VIRTUALETIX.
ChiggenMcNugget is Tekken Swiss Champion 2021
In his unexpected debut, VTX-A athlete ChiggenMcNugget takes the throne away from all-time champion KiraKira.
The Alliance United for the National Qualifiers 2021
The VIRTUALETIX Alliance has been united for the Tekken community since 2020 and is looking forward to the Swiss National Qualifiers 2021.
Summer Break
The summer has arrived and it is break time for us in competitive Counter-Strike.
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