We made it through. It is 2020 and in only 6 months we have overachieved our goals for 2019. After the foundation of the eSports organization, in May we started by launching the online presence of our brand. From that point on, the next step was to bring together a competitive CS:GO team. It was quite a challenge, but by August we made it and we had a final lineup to start competing for our first tournament at the Swisscom Hero League Qualifier Cups and the Swiss Gaming Challenge in September. Only one month later, we welcomed our new Rocket League team and entered for the first time together with our CS:GO team the Swiss eSports League. November 22 was the debut at the SwitzerLAN in Bern of our CS:GO team and we got already into the top 12 out of 44, delivering an amazing performance. With the end of the SESL relegation in December, staying still in the intermediate division, the year has come to an end and has opened the doors for new challenges to come in 2020.
We are looking forward it. And you?
Stay tuned, many surprises will follow ;-).
Wishing everyone a good start into 2020.