Welcome Raphelito

VIRTUALETIX expands to the new virtual sport discipline FIFA and welcomes Raphelito.

We have been into FPS, FGC and flying cars. Now we dive into Sports gaming and are delighted to have Raphelito on board with us as our new VTX Pro Athlete for FIFA.

Raphael “Raphelito” Weber developed his passion for football already at a very young age. At the age of seven he joined a local football club in his region and hasn’t stopped playing ever since. While growing up with video games, he soon discovered Electionic Arts‘ licensed franchise game of FIFA – at first, just to enjoy the game by playing with Manchester United as his favorite team; later to challenge his friends and measure his skills against them. After a few years Raphelito, a.k.a. Number 17, aspired to new challenges and decided to step into competitive esports.

In 2018 Raphelito tried to run for his first esports competition organized at eParadise in Zurich. Without prior esports experience he reached the Top 8 and saw an opportunity to keep running for more. In the same year the Number 17 made it into the finals of GameTurnier‘s Swiss championship and the Top 32 of a major international FIFA tournament sponsored by Blick.ch with known competitors from Europe. A few matches later, the young talent won the E-Challenge Bar tournament under the flag of Zoorig Esports.

Since then he kept dribbling the ball, not only on the football field outside of the game, but also virtually inside the game. After the disband of Zoorig Esports and the arrival of the pandemic, the flow of offline events became quiet. Towards the end of 2021 it was time for a comeback for the Number 17. So by 2022 VIRTUALETIX and the FIFA athlete finally came to an agreement to start the new purpleblood journey together. With that, the whole organization is happy to welcome Raphael and is looking forward with optimism to the collaboration.

Welcome to the family!

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